Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Got my ass kicked today!

Another four month hiatus, it was time to get back to it. Been seeing quite a few Crossfit deals on Groupon, etc so that gave me another push. Diet has been quite loose over the last three months and I'm sure my leaky gut came back. Vacation's over!

Day 1 at NW CF Bellevue: DB Blast!
4 Rounds with 15# DBs (Rx was 20# for women):
50ft Single Arm OH Lunge Left Arm
50ft Single Arm OH Lunge Right Arm
12 Renegade Rows
12 DB Push Press

Post: 30s prowler push at 275#: 28ft

This totally kicked my ass and already I can barely lift my arms. I'm not expecting to walk properly tomorrow.
But this was a phenomenal WOD because it worked everything. Left shoulder still significantly weaker than right and this type of workout would help balance that out. Renegade rows were the limiting factor. Had to mod to the knees for the push up part but wide stance on feet for the row part.

First time pushing a prowler and I really surprised myself. Saw stars afterwards haha.

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