Friday, July 30, 2010
Getting my act together
Been a good past week and a half as far as slow and steady goes...
July 22:
First full WOD in a loooong time.
FS 5x1 at 105#.
Metcon subbed ring rows for pullups: 8:01
Post WOD: 150 DUs in 6:44.
Thoughts in the days following:
Felt good to do a full WOD. Hip was feeling weaker with each rep of 105# FS so it was good that I maintained weight. Quads were killing two days after all those lunges. Slow DUs definitely supported evidence of weaker cardio from not having worked out consistently.
July 25:
Was going to go to CF but quads were still killing. Biked down to the beach for 4 hours of beach vball (2's and 3's). Round trip on bike was probably 13 miles in total. My legs were dead.
July 26:
Forced myself to go to the box b/c waiting a full week would just mean I'd be back at square one. Quads still feeling tight but needed to work it out.
Clean / DU WOD
No lifting overhead.
Metcon subbed PC @63# for PS: 7:21
No ring dips.
Post WOD thoughts:
Rudy suggested that I lay off lifting things overhead for a while. Instead, I worked on some deadhangs with bands. No pain on shoulder so that's good news. I think I did 3x3. Good PC weight for the WOD but it's not 75% of 1RM. Focusing on not pulling with upper traps but more on explosiveness in hip. Thanks for tip, Rudy. First set of unbroken DUs made me pretty happy. Gave it a mini fist pump after round 1. Despite my efforts, upper traps were sore for 3 days.
July 28:
Made up Tuesday's WOD.
No backsquat.
Metcon w/ 6# WB: 7 rounds + 1 burpee
Post WOD - shoulder stretching and other PT movements at home
Post WOD thoughts:
Backsquats still scare me so I don't want to do them until I'm 100% confident that the hip can handle heavy weights. Metcon was unbroken but slow - could not make myself move any faster for the life of me. 6#WB too light but not confident that shoulder and hip could handle the 10# yet.
Hips still pretty sore two days after from the deep squats I do in the WB movement. It's not a bad sore so I think I just need to pace myself and keep practicing until I can move up in weight. Shoulder felt a bit funny on Friday... think I'm going to use that Rock Tape on it again.
July 30:
One hour of tennis. Constantly varied right? Abs still hurt from two days ago.
August 1:
Housework? Haha... okay this one doesn't count but we spent the day cleaning the house so it wasn't like I was sitting around doing nothing. Been on my feet all day but muscles have all recovered and I should be ready to go this week!
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