Monday's WOD
Snatch 6×2 at 63#
I can’t seem to chain these as I needed to reset my feet each time.
Metcon (subbed 20# DBs strict presses for HSPUs / 24″ box / 1 pood): 9:01
Sub due to wrist. Kept presses strict throughout. Left shoulder is weaker than my right… resulting in a bit of back arching. Quite happy that I managed to string some 24″ box jumps. KBS broken only once in the 4th round.
Post – Snatch Grip RDL 4 x 8 at 65#
Not 110% of snatch but had some trouble gripping the bar. Hamstrings could have handled more weight though.
Sweet! I got an article posted on the blog! Yay!
Wednesday's WOD
C&J 6×2 ish at 83#. Did a couple at 105#... felt good. Per Bryce, don’t pull/bend arms before bar hits upper mid thigh.
Metcon at 55# and regular pullups: 6:57
Blood blister on my right hand... every time!! :(
Post: tabata row max: 84, min: 78 (84-84-83-79-79-78-78-80)
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