Cycle 2 Week 2: Back Squat 1RM + 5%
5 reps @ 40% (65#)
5 reps @ 50% (80#)
3 reps @ 60% (95#)
3 reps @ 70% (110#)
3 reps @ 80% (125#)
3+ reps @ 90% (140#): 6 reps
Metcon: 4 rounds 50 DU / 6 Snatches (65#, rx)
Post: 3 deadhangs in a row (PR)!
Post-post: Worked on butterflies. Got 3 in a row (PR)! I think I'm really getting the hang of this kip now!
Post-post-post: 2 HSPUs to 1 ab mat but not in a row. HSPU to 1 ab mat is a PR!
I had four days off since my last WOD and it showed today!
Sixth rep at 140# was rough but I got it!
Metcon was good. DUs felt good and were purposely broken up. Snatches felt pretty good. Kind of liked how I forced 65# on myself because when I got tired, I really had to focus on that hip pop. I don't think I pressed too many out. All singles.
Really happy with all the post WOD work. I was really motivated by
CFC's new Crossfit RX classes! You have to meet a series of tests before you're in. Here's where I'm at as of now:
1. Conditioning – Rx Fran (sub 8:00) or Rx Helen (sub 12:30)
-> 6/9/11: 8:53 Rx Fran. Need to get this one in again.
-> Never done Rx Helen. I feel like I have a better shot here but not sure.
2. Skill – 30 Double-Unders in 1 minute
-> Covered but no real stats for this one.
3. Bodyweight – Men 8 strict pull-ups/7 strict handstand push-ups to 1 abmat
Women 4 strict pull-ups/4 strict handstand push-ups to 1 abmat
-> 3 strict pull-ups in a row. Need to put in some work to get here.
-> 1 strict HSPU to 1 ab mat. Need lots of work here!
4. Strength/Mobility – Men (75% of bodyweight x 5 Overhead Squat) & (100% of bodyweight x 3 Front Squat)
Women (70% of bodyweight x 5 Overhead Squat) & (80% of bodyweight x 3 Front Squat)
-> 8/26/11: 95# (76% of BW)
-> 6/12/12: 125# (100% of BW)
5. Strength – Men Deadlift 315/Women Deadlift 185
-> 8/25/12: 250#
Need lots of work on bodyweight stuff and conditioning for sure!