Monday, September 5, 2011


Tuesday: 8 x 1:00/1:00r on C2: 237-240-239-240-240-240-241-243
Average pace was 2:05/500m at 32s/m. Looks like I paced a bit too much in the first round.

Wednesday's WOD
Metcon rx’ed: 18:18
First round of PUs were 10/5. Then some 5s in the second and third rounds but mostly singles. Fourth and fifth round runs were slow but tried to pose throughout and it felt okay. Popped blood blister about 3 PUs in the last round and tore hand another 2 PUs later. Last 10 PUs probably took 2 minutes... ugh. Thanks to Karen for suggesting deadhangs!

Friday's WOD
PC&J Int: 1×103# and then 2×93# to work on dip and jerk stance.
Smaller and more upright dip instead of trying to dip lower and end up folding forward. Back leg heel out for more stability. Stance has been a little narrow in the past as well.

Metcon at 80# and purple band: 7:01
Tried to get in sub 7 but couldn’t lock out the last two reps so I had to break. Unbroken FS on the 20 and 5 rounds but broke once on the rest.

Post – 4×8 JM Press with 5# DBs

Saturday: 2 hours of rock climbing at Vertical Endeavours
Sunday: 18 miles on the bike (9 miles one way) to the Chicago Botanic Garde

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