Friday, January 25, 2013

Back squats in pregnancy

Strength: Worked up to 115#
21-15-9: hang cleans (65#) / front squats (65#)

Cleans and squats are some of my favourite movements but at 12 weeks pregnant, I've been reading that I should stop squatting below parallel. No more movements that make me grunt. Up until now, I've done an okay job of managing my cardio (although I'll admit, I could be better) and to keep my pace at "conversational". I build in mandatory breaks and I won't start again until my heart rate is a lower. I've been watching my sweating, making sure I don't overheat. Scaling has been difficult but I've been practising.
With that said, 65# is light for me in this WOD so I went rx'ed. I tried to go as steady as possible and broke up all my sets at least once. For back squats, I tried not to squat below parallel but my goal with these will be to maintain as much control and as good form as possible.

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