Friday, April 8, 2011

Open WOD 11.3

Reading everybody's post on the blog really inspired me to give this a shot rx'ed. 110# is a lot of weight for me, especially after my hiatus, and I just wasn't sure I could do it. Then, I looked up to see what I've done in the past
Squat clean PR: 115# (10/26/10)
C&J PR: 105# (10/26/10)
Jerk PR: 110# (9/28/10)

I know it's been a while but I've done it before and I've been back at CF for a month or so now and I've been feeling a little stronger. I thought... I could do this! I was giddy and nervous for a good chunk of the afternoon.

Open WOD 11.3
1 C&J and 1 clean!
After a 5 minute break, went at it again with 85#: 11 C&J and 1 clean

Yay for 5# PR! Huge thanks to JJ for coming to talk me through this and count for me. Also thanks to Bryce, Glenn, and Rudy for pointing out flaws with my form and also Val for sticking around to cheer me on. It felt great.
The thing is, I did another 4 squat cleans but never got another jerk. I failed because I was scared of dropping the bar on my head. But if I just believed that I could do it and throw it up with active shoulders and push my head forward, it would have worked out! I needed to get lower, I knew that much... but I definitely was jerking the bar plenty high enough.
Neck's a little stiff right now but I am really happy with the result. It was really encouraging when Bryce said to me, "If you think you can do this, I want you to try." You can't fight what you want to do!

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