Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Press PR!

PR: 77.5# Strict Press

Press: 45(10)-55(7)-60(3)-65-70-75-77.5
Metcon: 14min AMRAP of 6 C&J (95#, bm) / 10 v-ups / 6 bar burpees
5 rounds + 3 C&Js

I knew I had to retest my press after having hit a Press 5RM of 65# about a month ago. Here was my chance and I knew I had to nail 75#. It went up easier than expected so I gave 77.5# a shot. There was some struggling but in the end, I made it and was very excited that I hit another goal!
Decided to go 95# today. First time with a 95# overhead barbell movement in a WOD ever. It was tough. First 2.5 rounds were push jerks. Later rounds, I had to resort to split jerks. That may have been too much impact for my right knee which has been bothering me since. Foam roll, fish oil, stretching, and rest are much needed.

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