Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflection time - milestones and goals

It's been almost 8 months since moving to the Seattle area and almost 5 months since joining Sasquatch Crossfit. We're happy to have found a great Crossfit community!
One of the major changes in my life since moving here is a reduction of stress. My job now is still quite challenging which keeps me engaged and busy while I am at work but once I leave, I am not expected to be on call 24/7 like how it was in consulting (nobody expects me to check my email on the weekends - what!).
Another major change in my life is that I am outside more. Way more. Every weekend, JJ and I find something outdoorsy to do... snowboarding, hiking, biking, canoeing... some longer duration activity to balance all the anaerobic work that we do at Crossfit. Also, thanks to the climate here, we keep our windows at home open almost year round and I get to work out out of a garage gym which brings in plenty of fresh air.
I think both these major changes have also had an affect on my sleep... it's higher quality sleep, whether I get enough of it or not.

Of course, all of the above has had an impact on my Crossfit abilities as well.

Getting enough rest is obviously paramount but the lower stress and the fresher air have contributed to my gains and milestones over the past 5 months.
Here are some highlights:
- The first time ever doing rx'ed push ups in a WOD (finally!)
- Stringing 10 TTBs in a WOD
- 250# DL during CFT (13# PR and 2X BW)
- Angie rx'ed
- 1:56 500m row
- Sub-10 Annie
- Sub-12:30 Helen
- 5 strict HSPUs to one ab mat
- 7 kipping HSPUs to one ab mat
- Hit quite a few new 3RMs and 5RMs on various movements

So what's next?
Wish list / goals:
- Butterfly pullups in a WOD
- Full ROM HSPUs in a WOD
- Sub-8 Fran
- Sub-6 Grace
- 125# Jerk 1RM
- 75# Press 1RM
- 500# CFT
- Muscle up

Thanks to Tara for inspiring me to write that list. I know those are not SMARTE goals... which is why I've termed these "wish list". I will work towards these but in an unstructured manner.

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