Friday, October 19, 2012

Snatch PR!

PR: 85# Snatch
Strength: subbed Snatch work
Metcon: 10 rounds of 10 push ups (rx) / 10 KBS (35#, rx) / 10 sit ups with ab mat

I've been thinking about fixing my pull so I subbed Snatch work for the strength work today. In the end, I did a bunch of hang power snatches and OHSes before I went into full squat snatch. Hit 85# perfectly and it actually felt easy. It gave me the confidence to go higher but was convinced to go past my planned weight increase. Failed 95# twice before I gave up. Should have gone 85-90-95 but I know I have 95# in me. I lost the bar in front (figures). I know that to get 95#, my pull would have to be perfect. Keep practicing!

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