Wednesday, October 24, 2012


PR: 130# C&J
PR: 135# jerk

Strength: C&J 1RM: 65-85-100-115-125-130(PR)-135F
From rack, Jerk 1RM: 135F-135(PR)

Metcon: 5 rounds of 15 push ups / 20 WB (14#, 10ft, rx) / 30 DU

Super excited about the C&J and jerk PRs! Not long ago, I wrote down my goal of a 125# C&J. I had struggled getting to 125# since the WCCF Meet more than a year ago (mostly failing the jerk). I failed a 130# squat clean 4x just two weeks ago! I didn't expect to see these PRs so soon but I'm happy! I did some snatch pull work last week which may have helped. Pull still needs work.
The jerk part was funny because I wasn't expecting to do it. After I failed my clean at 135#, Trey had me try the jerk from the rack since the racks were already out from other people using it. I failed the first 135# but he told me to try again. The second time, I had a more aggressive dip and drive and nailed the 135# to my surprise!
I suppose if I did add both oly lift PRs over the last week, I'd end up with an Oly Total of 210# (97.5kg) but I can't call it that because I didn't do it together. Would love to get to an Oly total of 100kg! Gotta get that 135# clean!
Metcon was horrendous... wall balls are probably at the top of my suck list because I am not good at the movement even though I am decent at squatting. I really think I need to practice breathing through those. Push ups ended up in 2s/3s but that was to be expected. DUs were aggravating my side shins a bit from all the jumping on Monday but I managed to get them unbroken in the last two rounds.

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