Friday, October 12, 2012

4 this week

Strength: BS 3-3-3-3-3-3 (95-115-125-135-145-155)
Metcon: 21-15-9 of DL (165#, rx) / pull up / slam ball (20#, rx)

I hit a BS 3RM PR at 155# at the beginning of December during the Wendler but regressed a little two weeks later due to lack of squatting. Today, I planned to finish at 155# and made it. Used too much quads on my last rep but felt ok overall.
If I remember correctly, my DLs went 9-6-4-1-1/7-3-3-1-1/5-4. In retrospect, I probably could have gotten rid of those singles at the end but I could feel my back arching a bit and my hands hurt from gripping. May have felt better than the last WOD with 165# DL but I can't be sure.
Pull ups went 7-5-4-3-2/5-4-3-3/3-2-1-1-1-1. Didn't resort to singles until later which is an improvement for me. Still got those blood blisters.
Broke up slam balls once in first two rounds, unbroken in last round.

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