Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heavy and long

Metcon: 5 rounds of
10 DL @ rx 165# (5-5/5-5/4-3-3/4-3-3/singles)
20 one-arm KBS @ rx 1 pood (unbroken until last round in 2 sets of 10)
400m run

Post: some foam rolling

For 60% of my 1RM, the 165# DLs felt rather heavy. Discussed with Dave and Tim about going BM (axel bar, same weight) because I was wondering how it would affect my grip for the KBS. My hand actually won't grip the bar the entire way around so I would be relying on a bit more friction on the hands so Tim said I can use that when it's lighter. DLs broken up as above. Smaller sets to avoid bad form by the third round.
Through 3 rounds, Chad, Derek, and Marja were all ahead of me but I went at my pace. Moved ahead of Derek and Marja sometime in the fourth round. I knew I couldn't chase down Chad but nice to know Derek was right behind so I pushed to stay in front.
Writing this on the next day and my back's pretty sore, which was as expected. Quads still hurting from the thrusters two days ago.

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