Thursday, June 16, 2011


Nice to see some brushing up of technique work ahead of CFT and the strength cycle!

Monday's WOD
Squat technique: Keep core tighter. Sit back, squeeze hips. Knees out. High bar – use narrower grip so shoulders will have a shelf for bar to sit on.

Metcon at 50# and regular kipping pullups: 9:34

The right weight for OHS (shoulders and core had minor stability issues), maybe just a tad light for PP. Grip was starting to go in the round of 6s. Missed the last TTB b/c I rushed it. D’oh!

Post – 10-10-10 Good Mornings with 20#, 35#, 45# bars

Tuesday, got in 1.5 hours of tennis. Nice evening for that!

Wednesday's WOD
Press technique: engage before unracking the bar.
DL technique: neutral head, straight shins (to avoid butt being too low), hips rise with bar, pull bar close to body (up shins/thighs), open all the way at the top (shoulders behind hips).

Metcon rx’ed: 9 rounds + 8 box jumps. UGH! EIGHT!

Post: 4x20s ski erg (4 cals each round... really?!?!)

Hamstrings tight from the GMs. Will be resting those up before CFT!

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