Friday, June 24, 2011


Only got in 2x this week. Packed in the strength.
BS 4x6 @ 75% (130#). Rough after Tuesday's metcon.
Press 4x6 @ 75% (48#). Not bad after Friday's metcon. Tough but not too bad.
DL 4×6 @ 75% (168#). Heavy but felt good.

Tuesday's WOD
Metcon at 65#. Fastest: 2:35. Slowest: 3:02. (2:39/2:35/2:47/2:54/3:02)
Runs ranged between 1:48 and 1:58. Thighs are killing from the HPC bruises. At least I fixed my form in the last two rounds b/c they hurt so much. Man, wheels really fell off in the later rounds.

Friday's Metcon
Metcon at 83#: 4:58
Happy with today. 83# is the heaviest I've ever done for FS in a WOD! And under 5 min! I’d like to think Kurt’s playlist and chasing Erin had something to do with it :)
Got in 10 consec kipping pullups!
Thighs still bruised!

1 comment:

  1. Forget good day, sounds like a good week girl! Keep it up!
