Tuesday's WOD
BS 4×4 @ 79% (138#)
Metcon: 109 reps at 53# and 24″ box. Missed a jump. Just what I need… more bruises!
Might have gone a little too light as I managed to maintain consistent reps through the 4 rounds (28-27-27-27). Nice to wod with Anj... man, so proud of her for taking on those 53# HPS!
Post: GMs 45-55-65-75
I can probably go up to 85 next.
Post-post: kipping pullup strings 10(PR)/6/4/5
Been working on maintaining the hand calluses since I'm only coming in 3x a week and not every week has pullups. Trying to make sure I do something on the pullup bar every week. Haha I didn't think I was going to be in on Wednesday but I did end up at the box and with a pullup wod! In other pullup news, I now have 3 overgrip deadhangs!
Wednesday's WOD
I've been trying to toughen up hands without tearing so like I already said, the once-a-week thing on the pullup bar has been what I'm shooting for. Good article here though about tape grips. Should practice making these just in case.
Really good warmup with the wheelbarrows and slow small arm circles for the shoulders. Not really liking the pushups resting on the top of foot thing. Almost gave me a foot cramp!
Press: 4×4 @ 79%ish (53#).
Liked Kurt's grip tip: walk up to bar and get set with spacing. Wing out the elbows, pinky up, and grip bar. Kind of like snapping the bar. Also try to make the "biggest double chin possible" to get the head out of the way.
Metcon: 4 rounds + 5 pullups with 12# WB. Re-did quite a few... turns out I should have re-done a few more after talking to JJ as I wasn't hitting the red line every time. Sets of 3 by the later rounds. First time with 12# PWB. Will do better next time.
Post: ring dips with red band: 10/8/8/8. Great tip from Randy to look down… definitely felt it in my shoulders more! Left shoulder is weaker than right so need to concentrate to keep it balanced.
Today, I'm thinking of going in to move through some oly lifts in prep for Saturday's WCCF Meet. My traps are rather sore from the HPS but just wanted to work through some techniques I've been thinking about.
Kind of excited about Saturday but also nervous. Talked to Elisabeth and noted that that's a good thing since it's a challenge for me. I get pretty shy about being up there... stage fright. Just gotta know that I can do it :)
Awww thanks lady! So, the WCCF meet is a bunch of crossfitters! They are all on your side girl and want to see you do well! And if that doesn't help your stage fright, just picture people in their undies!