Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Day 3 at Sasquatch CF

70 DUs
60 v-ups
50 burpees
40 box jumps (Rx 20")
30 mountain climbers
20 KB SDHP (Rx 1 pood)
10 ball slams (Rx 20#)
400m run

Post-WOD: Kipping TTB work (strung 3), kipping pull up work (strung 9), some ring work for shoulder stability, testing out kipping HSPUs (don't arch back too much)

The two boxes I've tried so far don't have GHDs so v-ups are the subs for GHDs. Limiting factor was the v-ups as I spent most of my time laying on the ground (I have bad core strength). GHDs would have hurt a lot more I'm sure.
Other than the v-ups, everything would have been just fine but because of where the v-ups showed up in this WOD, everything that came after it sucked.

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