Monday, September 13, 2010

Snatch win!

Been eating a bit better lately but still struggling with bringing lunch as we're spending weekends on hobbies and relaxing. Some weekends, we just need time off from a cooking extravaganza haha.

Fun WOD today
DL 5-3-1+: 155-175-195(3)
Metcon @ 40# and red band: 21:43
Splits: 3:51, 3:52, 4:05, 3:55

1st round: I don't think I chained any snatches. I wasn't sure I could or I just didn't think about it. Run was decent. Unbroken pullups.
2nd round: Snatches chained (2 sets maybe). Felt a bit of a pull on the shoulder when bringing it back down but it was okay. Run must have been slower since I chained the snatches. Unbroken pullups. So far so good.
3rd round: Chained 6 snatches, then singles (just too much effort to catch them). Run must have been slow. Pullups (10/2/2/1). The second I stopped after the 10, I could barely chain pullups. I guess the trick is to just keep going?
4th round: Snatches mostly in singles. Unbroken pullups b/c I was trying to chase down Steph! Loved it :)

GHD raises scare me. I tried to do one but I almost cramped up. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Pull ups are definitely a mental battle because your grip. Keep on staying tough with the GH raises. It will feel like a cramp but it will never fully cramp...just hurt.

    Make sure you keep up with ring rows and some shoulder rehab. DB side lying external rotation always good.
