Tuesday's WOD
FS 3-3-3: 95-115-125(2)
I really need to work on proper rack form so I’m not messing up my wrists. FS, cleans, everything… form goes out the window when the weight gets heavy or I get tired. Had more in legs but just couldn't keep the bar on the shoulders.
Metcon with red band: 18:00
Splits: 2:48, 2:46, 3:09, 3:17
Pullup endurance was bad. Small tear with 5 pullups to go…
Post: 2 x 10 GHD sit ups. Left it at that or it’d be too painful.
Wednesday's WOD
200 DUs: 4:09 (speed rope)
Metcon (24″ BJ / 103# DL / 10# WB): 4 + 1WB
24" box jumps were a good mental challenge. Shake legs off and get back on. Almost missed one. I went lighter than 50% (1RM = 225#). I remember when I did Linda with a 115# bar... wrecked my back for a week. Hoping the 10#s saved me. Lack of breathing rhythm on WB was my limiting factor. Missed a few reps on the WB too.
Post: 3 x 10 per leg step ups with two 15# KBs on small box + 45# plate
These are a great exercise for hips. My PT had me do these (with not as much weight) when I was rehabbing my hip.
Sorry I couldn't get my article out earlier!