Today was a tough day at work though I never imagined I would be met by the toughest WOD I have done in a long time.
Traps and back were still feeling Monday's WOD but should be good enough to go for today.
Press 5-3-1+: 43-48-53(3)
Worked off 60# to test out shoulder. Last recorded 1RM was 70# from January. This was a win considering it felt good and the shoulder felt fine.
Metcon @ 75# (last recorded BS 1RM was 175# from January): 8:52
THIS was much tougher than I thought it could be. Looking back at my log, I've actually never done a metcon with FS @ 75#. But rx was 50% of BS 1RM which would have put me at 83# so I figured, how bad could 75# be? I picked it up and the clean felt heavy for a metcon. Just in case, I checked with Bryce... do I pick a weight that I know I can do 21 unbroken? Bryce suggested that the right weight would be barely being able to do 21 unbroken so I settled with 75# because that was exactly how I felt about it.
The first 21 were okay. I took quick breaks in the rack position. The 21 burpees that followed were slow but steady. I didn't want to wear out my quads for the next round. Then, I walked to the bar, cleaned it and I couldn't get out of the bottom of my squat. What?! I couldn't believe it. I lost the bar a few more times with my weight a little too far forward and I just wasn't to all that weight on my wrist. I think I did way too many cleans. The sweat was getting in my eyes and boy, was I frustrated.
Thanks so much Rudy. Had you not come over, the rest of it would have been just plain awful but your reminder to stay tough helped me focus. Stay in my heels and drive with the elbows!! Chipped away at it til it was over.
I never write an essay like that about a workout but for me, it was an epic fight that I want to remember. I think I've never done a WOD that got the best of me like that but it was worth the experience.
Haha afterwards, I almost fell down the stairs because my quads feel like they exploded! I'm happy to report that my wrists are okay now.
Breakfast: two eggs in butter, 3 slices of Canadian bacon
Lunch: a reuben from NYC Bagel Deli. It's so good. I ate as little bread as possible.
Snack: half a Trio bar
Dinner: salad with all the fixings (turkey, hearts of palm, fresh sungold tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, artichoke, grilled veggies, olives, lemon juice, pepper)
You inspired me lady! Way to go!