Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Catching up

Was supposed to go climbing today but I had a freak accident and bent back my big toe nail pretty bad on a vent cover. Yeah, crazy.
20 min row: 4,210m
Pace was anywhere from 2:15-2:30/500K. Not good...

Clean/Burpee WOD
Shoulder to overhead: 110# split jerk from in front. PR!
I didn't really want to try the behind the back jerk since it would have meant a wider grip and I thought it would be easier on the shoulder to do a narrower grip.

Metcon @ 60#: 6:54
Burpees at a good pace with some focus on breathing. Quads burned a bit so that slowed me down on the cleans.

Post: 48 PUs on knees with elbows in. It's for the shoulder but even this was tough on it. Just not back at the strength I was before.

Post-post: 3x5 ring rows. Felt strong. Hoping to get in the pullup WOD tomorrow so I took it easy.


  1. JJ told me about the toe incident. I was hoping to catch a pic on your blog.

  2. Ha in my state of shock, I did not think to take a picture. It didn't hurt but just looked real freaky.
