Managed to sneak in a WOD on Friday!
PC 65(5)-85(5)-95(1×3)-85(5)
I thought I could chain the 95# but it slipped out of my hand every time. Rudy said to readjust grip in the hang position if necessary before setting it down… next time.
Metcon at 105#: 6:08
I wussed out… I had 115# loaded but took off 10# at the last minute b/c I was afraid my grip would be toast from the pull ups. Good thing too… last round of DLs were all quick singles. Left hand loses grip quicker than right hand on the pull ups. Nasty blister on my finger but overall happy with that pull up performance!
Post: 3×10 back ext
Spent the weekend entertaining my parents. Lots of shopping and eating WODs but managed to escape the weekend relatively gluten free. Can't say the same for sugar, unfortunately. Back on the wagon next week!
Monday, went to check out the track at Winnemac Park. What a nice park!
6x400m (1 min rest in between): 1:49/1:45/1:46/1:46/1:48/1:45
Pretty happy with this! No more than a 5 sec deviation and all under 2 min! Woohoo! No shin pain today though I need to do some research to strengthen those muscles. Blisters on feet today, boo!
Post-WOD: Free-standing hand stands in the soccer field. Landed flat on my back once (nice...) but working on rolling out of a hand stand attempt. Also, pushed some kids off the playground so I can swing through some monkey bars and do a pull up. I must be "heavy" from the weekend of eating as I did not have a overhand grip pull up today.
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