Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Regional WOD 4

I dreaded this all day but decided to go in and get it done.
Metcon: 32:58
Pull-ups with red band. There was no way I was going unbanded for 100 reps. This took about 10 minutes. Blood blister about 80 reps in. Upstairs bar just not very kind to my hands. Will probably pop that tonight before it goes black.
KBS... there weren't enough 1 pood KBs so Tiffany and I decided to share. I did 30 reps at 1 pood and then, switched with Tiffany for the remaining 70 reps at 20#. I held that KB gingerly due to pain from gripping with that blood blister.
DUs went well... only had a few trip ups. Once I had to stop because my forearms were burning but finished these up at about the 15 min mark.
OHS... I spent just under 18 minutes on these. I had loaded the bar with 50# but last minute, went with 45#. First set of 10 and the remainder in sets of 5. Snatched it all up. Breaks were just long enough so that I can make it through 5 at a time... I was already snatching up more than I wanted to. On the upside, I got a few compliments on my form.

After the WOD, my quads/hips were quite shaky and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk from DOMS. JJ suggested the ice bath so I bought 2 1# bags of ice from Popeye's on my way home. Loaded up my tub with cold water and that was brutal enough already. Added 1 bag and that was all I could handle. Feet did not like the ice bath but large muscle groups were fine. Just make sure you're not planning on walking anywhere immediately after it since it takes a few minutes to feel anything again...


  1. I feel your pain, Donna! I ripped both hands and got a blood blister too. Way to push through the workout, it was a tough one! Are you feeling better today, after the ice bath? The few times I've done an ice bath I've really noticed a difference in my recovery.

  2. I think the ice bath helped for sure. I didn't get to ice my shoulders in the ice bath (just couldn't dunk myself that far in!) and those are pretty sore. My legs are sore today but I'm guessing they're not nearly as sore as they could have been! I'd probably bite the bullet and do this again after killer WODs.
