Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy with FS today

Day 7 at Sasquatch CF

FS 5-5-3-3-2-2: 75-95-105-125-130-130
Metcon: 15 min AMRAP
12 one arm KBS (6 per arm) at 35# (rx)
24 DUs
14 rounds

Post-WOD: Working on my butterfly kip

Didn't even realize that I PR'ed my FS 3RM (2# PR but still a PR!) so that was awesome! First go at the 130#, I had the slowest second rep ever but it went up after a bit of a fight. The second go at 130#, I was a bit more mentally prepared. Still slow second rep but not as slow as the first time.
For the metcon, I aimed for a round per minute which was a quick pace for me. Tripped twice on DUs but otherwise, everything was unbroken. Could be faster with shorter rest between movements.

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