Friday, July 27, 2012

Love Friday WODs!

Strength: DL (Week 3)
5 reps @ 40% (90#)
5 reps @ 50% (115#)
3 reps @ 60% (135#)
5 reps @ 75% (170#)
3 reps @ 85% (190#)
1+ reps @ 95% (215#): 5 reps

Metcon: 4 rounds of 6 C&J (95# rx) and 40 DUs

Post: Muscle up transitions on rings with fat red band (got 1!)
4x5 ring dips with skinny red band

I love Friday WODs because I get to DL and then I get to do a WOD that I like. Last week was FS and box jumps. This week was C&Js and DUs. Maybe it's not a coincidence that these fall on DL days.
DLs felt good. I had one more on the last set but my grip gave out. In the metcon, the 95# did not actually feel that bad. I had a few ugly power cleans but when I remembered to drop a bit lower, they worked out. No squat cleans necessary. Jerks were also better than expected. All singles though. DUs were broken up on purpose to catch my breath.
JJ has been working on muscle up transitions lately so I gave it a go. I was surprised to get one but couldn't get any more despite subsequent attempts. I probably spent too much effort pressing out that ring dip. As a result, thought I needed some ring dip work too.

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