Thursday, August 5, 2010

Max DL

Max DL day
DL: 175-200-220
Metcon: 6:48 with 70# HPC
Post-WOD: 3×10 GHD situps.

DL PR is 225# from back in mid January when we did CFT and also it was pre- hip and shoulder injuries. First time doing 1RM in months so pretty happy that 200 went up easy. Rounded back on 220 so cut it even though I probably had 10 more in me.

Traps still has some residual soreness from FGB on Monday (RKBS/row) but HPCs felt good. Burpees much faster than last week which is nice. First GHD situps in months also... feeling them today!

Post-WOD thoughts:
Upper traps continue to be sore. Left hip felt some weakness right after WOD but feeling okay today. Must've landed funny while catching the bar on the HPC or something.