Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time for a row

Yesterday, we had our beach volleyball championship double header. Man, it was an epic battle with us falling in the last 5 points. Tough loss but great game. We really pushed it when it came to close games but we were getting it together in the end, in the dark. I want to blame it on the poor lighting that didn't turn on until around 8pm but that's not everything. I mean, the other team did have better lighting where they could actually see the ball sometimes.
Oh well. It's over. We came in second.

Lats finally pain free today. Left foot still feeling bruisy. I've been picking back up on the fish oil intake so maybe it's helping.
Sectionals WOD week at the box and I just wasn't in any condition to do any of it. Didn't want to risk aggravating anything so I made up mod CFCE WOD on the rower tonight.

8 x 250m (60s rest)
1:02.7 / 1:02.5 / 1:03.1 / 1:03.4 / 1:04.1 / 1:04.8 / 1:04.6 / 1:03.9

I could have easily pulled below a minute on the first round but decided to slow down b/c I needed to pace. Worked out pretty well. Quads got pretty sore around the last 150m of the last 4 rounds. Lungs and legs burning in that last round to keep it under 1:04.

I only did 8 rounds in order to compare against my time from July 6 when I had been off the wagon and before I got back into CF.
1:01.8 / 1:00.4 / 1:02.3 / 1:03.0 / 1:06.6 / 1:08.7 / 1:09.4 / 1:07.5

You might say I did a bit better with some consistent crossfitting (about 2-3 times a week) and better eating over the last 3 weeks :)

Hopefully, foot's ready for the 5K tomorrow!

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