Friday, December 28, 2012

Skipped the post

10 DL (155#)
20 over box jumps (16")
30 hand release push ups
40 WB (10#)
30 hand release push ups
20 over box jumps (16")
10 DL (155#)

Skipped the one mile post WOD, recovering from some dizziness :(

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Seven

The Seven
7 rounds of
7 HSPU (pike on 20" box)
7 thrusters (55#)
7 KTEs
7 DL (135#)
7 burpees
7 KBS (1 pood)
7 pullups

First time ever with this WOD and I approached cautiously knowing this will take me forever. HSPUs made me dizzy :(

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mike N programming continues

In 12 minutes:
A. Row 2K for time
B. Shoulder to Overhead (rx, 95#) for reps

Rest 2 minutes

In 6 minutes:
A. Run 800m for time
B. Pullups for reps

2K row: 9:17
SH to OH: 10
800m run: 4:24
Pullups: 22

Paced the cardio a bit. Jerked all the SH to OHs.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mike N programming week

WOD: 100 power cleans (rx, 75#) with 3 burpees EMOM

Chained a few in the beginning but it caught up quick. Tried to make sure I get at least 6 cleans per minute. Tough stuff.

Friday, December 14, 2012


FS PR: 145#

FS 1RM: 45(10)-75(6)-95(3)-115-135-145
Metcon: 6 rounds of 42 DU / 12 PP / 9 OHS at 55#

I didn't intend to go for a PR today but as I was lifting, the weight felt good. 135# actually felt easier than I expected. I had done 130# twice back in June and I also cleaned 130# back in October. 145# was a bit sticky and slow but was good that it wasn't too much of a fight that I saw stars after.
I might have gone a little too fast on the metcon as I was a bit light headed towards the end.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snatch skillz

Snatch: skill work up to 80#. From hang and the ground. Power and squat.
Metcon: 5 rounds of 10 ring rows / 25 squats / 10 SDHP (16kg)

It is nice that to know that 80# used to be my 1RM snatch and now I use it for skill work. Good technique work at this weight without being too heavy. Depending on the day, could have gone with 75# for skill work too.
Ring rows were as minimal of an angle as I could handle (i.e. arms/shoulders almost beneath the rings). Did have to bend legs on a few sets. Squats and SDHPs were at a steady pace.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going easy

Jerk: worked up to about 105#
Metcon: 50 pull ups / 75 KBS (12kg, mod) / 150 DU / 75 sit ups / 50 push ups

I'd say everything went rather well but with lots of breaks (that I'm okay with). I didn't have to resort to singles with the pull ups or push ups until the last 5.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

First time snowshoeing!

Learning new activities. Took our new snowshoes out for a spin at Alpental (Summit at Snoqualmie ski resort). It was opening weekend for Summit West but Alpental is still closed. Lots of pow!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Get another one before DOMS kicks in

5 rounds of 12 DL (75#, mod) / 9 hang clean (75#) / 6 burpees / 200m run

Wanted to get another one before the soreness kicked in. Went lighter again but made it quick.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First WOD in over a week

Press 3RM: 60(3)-67.5(3)-72.5(2)
10-8-6-4-2 SDHP
10-8-6-4-2 PP
30-25-20-15-10 air squats

Working late last week so only made it in once. Trying to ease back into it.
Too ambitious on the 3RM press. Last PR was from 9/5/12 at 67.5#. Went for more than I should have.
Good to get in a short WOD!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Almost two weeks since last WOD!

Strength: 4 x ME deadhang pullup: 1-2-2-2
Metcon: 21-15-9 OHS (45#, mod) / TTB / PP (45#, mod)

First WOD in almost two weeks. Thanksgiving and a long week of working late made it difficult to get in the gym. Decided to take a lighter weight just to get back into things.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Fran rx'ed: 8:45 (8 sec PR over 6/9/11)

Post: 3 rounds of 20 hollow rocks / 1 min plank / 30 sit ups

Fran left me rolling around on the ground for a long time because my quads were burning. I felt like I moved better at thrusters and pull ups than the last time but must have had too many rest breaks since I barely got a PR. I had hoped to get sub 8. Must try harder.
Post WOD was horrible. I took longer than the WOD PLUS I half assed it too.

As I write this two days later, my lats and quads are still quite sore.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Occupy Strength

Congrats to the Sasquatch crew at WA's Occupy Strength competition!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Press PR!

PR: 77.5# Strict Press

Press: 45(10)-55(7)-60(3)-65-70-75-77.5
Metcon: 14min AMRAP of 6 C&J (95#, bm) / 10 v-ups / 6 bar burpees
5 rounds + 3 C&Js

I knew I had to retest my press after having hit a Press 5RM of 65# about a month ago. Here was my chance and I knew I had to nail 75#. It went up easier than expected so I gave 77.5# a shot. There was some struggling but in the end, I made it and was very excited that I hit another goal!
Decided to go 95# today. First time with a 95# overhead barbell movement in a WOD ever. It was tough. First 2.5 rounds were push jerks. Later rounds, I had to resort to split jerks. That may have been too much impact for my right knee which has been bothering me since. Foam roll, fish oil, stretching, and rest are much needed.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snatch PR!

PR: 92.5# snatch (full squat)

Three weeks ago, I PR'ed on a squat snatch during class (a 4# PR in well over a year). I hadn't worked on it much over the past year and I've been thinking about it a lot more lately.
Thanks to Tim, JJ and I got to work on that lift this morning. I worked on hang snatches, power snatches, snatch balances, and finally squat snatches (with emphasis on the positions). It was an hour of work on this and at the end, I hit the right cues and got under 92.5# after 2 tries. A solid squat catch saved me as I hung out in the bottom longer than normal before standing the weight up.
A few cues to remember:
- Be patient on first pull to power position
- Pull bar into hips, shoulder over and in front of bar
- Hip extension, think about hitting the bar with the hips
- Need to stop losing the bar in front on the catch. Commit.
- Need more speed when dropping under the bar.

I am pretty happy with the 7.5# PR in 3 weeks. Try 95# next time. I failed it three times today but I'm pretty sure I have it... hips were too tired from the long lifting session.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 rounds...

Metcon: 6 rounds of
12 med ball cleans (14#)
12 pull ups
12 box jumps (20")
12 push ups

Six rounds is a lot but this went by faster than I expected. Interestingly enough, push ups were harder for me than pull ups today. Longest number of pull ups I've gone without rips so I am happy.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Packed classes!

Strength: DL 5-5-5-5-5: 115-145-175-195-205
400m run
4 rounds of 8 PP (65#, rx) / 20 sit ups / 8 OHS (65#, rx)
400m run

Post: shoulder stretching

Crazy packed evening classes today! Ran out of time to max out on 5RM DL so just turned into 5-5-5-5-5. Went unbroken for the first two rounds. PP got split up in the last two rounds; OHS split in the third. 400m runs were slow (and cold)!
Needed to stretch out the tightness in the shoulder after the OHSes.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Chelsea: EMOM for 30 min of 5 pull ups / 10 push ups / 15 squats
Score: 5 rounds

Cindy: 20 min AMRAP of 5 pull ups / 10 push ups / 15 squats
Score: 12 rounds (+ 5 push ups)

Post: 3x10 good mornings @45#

Chelsea turned into Cindy once you fail a round in a minute. No rips! Push ups were the toughest, as expected.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

CFC drop in!

Been dying to check out the new space since the grand opening and it is enormous with all the amenities! Really love the new space and congrats to Rudy and all at CFC for this amazing milestone!

Dropped in for a partner WOD on Saturday morning. Partnered up with Carolyn for 5 rounds of:
5 pull ups per person
10 burpee box jumps (16") per person, alternating
400m run

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


PR: 130# C&J
PR: 135# jerk

Strength: C&J 1RM: 65-85-100-115-125-130(PR)-135F
From rack, Jerk 1RM: 135F-135(PR)

Metcon: 5 rounds of 15 push ups / 20 WB (14#, 10ft, rx) / 30 DU

Super excited about the C&J and jerk PRs! Not long ago, I wrote down my goal of a 125# C&J. I had struggled getting to 125# since the WCCF Meet more than a year ago (mostly failing the jerk). I failed a 130# squat clean 4x just two weeks ago! I didn't expect to see these PRs so soon but I'm happy! I did some snatch pull work last week which may have helped. Pull still needs work.
The jerk part was funny because I wasn't expecting to do it. After I failed my clean at 135#, Trey had me try the jerk from the rack since the racks were already out from other people using it. I failed the first 135# but he told me to try again. The second time, I had a more aggressive dip and drive and nailed the 135# to my surprise!
I suppose if I did add both oly lift PRs over the last week, I'd end up with an Oly Total of 210# (97.5kg) but I can't call it that because I didn't do it together. Would love to get to an Oly total of 100kg! Gotta get that 135# clean!
Metcon was horrendous... wall balls are probably at the top of my suck list because I am not good at the movement even though I am decent at squatting. I really think I need to practice breathing through those. Push ups ended up in 2s/3s but that was to be expected. DUs were aggravating my side shins a bit from all the jumping on Monday but I managed to get them unbroken in the last two rounds.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Side shin tenderness

Strength: 3 x ME ring dips: 3-4-3
Metcon: 4 rounds of 6 bear complex (65#, rx) / 46 DU / 16 box jumps (20", rx)

Must not have warmed up enough in first set of ring dips but 4 strict in a row is a PR!
Tried to move through at a good pace. My side shins (outside of leg) are a bit tender from the DUs and box jumps.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Snatch PR!

PR: 85# Snatch
Strength: subbed Snatch work
Metcon: 10 rounds of 10 push ups (rx) / 10 KBS (35#, rx) / 10 sit ups with ab mat

I've been thinking about fixing my pull so I subbed Snatch work for the strength work today. In the end, I did a bunch of hang power snatches and OHSes before I went into full squat snatch. Hit 85# perfectly and it actually felt easy. It gave me the confidence to go higher but was convinced to go past my planned weight increase. Failed 95# twice before I gave up. Should have gone 85-90-95 but I know I have 95# in me. I lost the bar in front (figures). I know that to get 95#, my pull would have to be perfect. Keep practicing!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Metcon: 800m run + 5 rounds of 6 PC (75#, rx+) / 6 FS / 6 burpees + 800m run

After looking at the board, I went with 75# as well. I thought about 85# but I knew the FS would destroy me at that weight so I kept it at 75#. Runs were long and slow.
With so many bars laying around, I cleaned 95# a few times and also 115# (PR!). Tried it two more times but failed both. The 115# was a bit ugly on the catch so I decided to go back to 95# and work on some technique. With JJ's help, I fixed my pull a bit. The cue that is working for me is Jon North's "Hit and Catch" drill. I'm not doing this perfectly and I still need to practice but need to keep this in mind to fully extend hips.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lots of pressing

Strength: Strict Press 5-5-5-5-5-5: 40-45-50-55-60-65
Metcon: 12 min AMRAP of 10 box jumps (20", rx) / 40 DU / 10 HSPU (*mod*)
4 rounds + 32 DU

Matched Press 5RM PR. Last rep of last set of presses were tough but I made it.
The first round of HSPUs, I wanted to do them to 1 ab mat. I got to 9 and failed the 10th one 4x before I gave up and switched to the pike on the box. Kip was getting less efficient and I was overarching too much. Looking back, I should have gave the second round a shot to 1 ab mat.

Reflection time - milestones and goals

It's been almost 8 months since moving to the Seattle area and almost 5 months since joining Sasquatch Crossfit. We're happy to have found a great Crossfit community!
One of the major changes in my life since moving here is a reduction of stress. My job now is still quite challenging which keeps me engaged and busy while I am at work but once I leave, I am not expected to be on call 24/7 like how it was in consulting (nobody expects me to check my email on the weekends - what!).
Another major change in my life is that I am outside more. Way more. Every weekend, JJ and I find something outdoorsy to do... snowboarding, hiking, biking, canoeing... some longer duration activity to balance all the anaerobic work that we do at Crossfit. Also, thanks to the climate here, we keep our windows at home open almost year round and I get to work out out of a garage gym which brings in plenty of fresh air.
I think both these major changes have also had an affect on my sleep... it's higher quality sleep, whether I get enough of it or not.

Of course, all of the above has had an impact on my Crossfit abilities as well.

Getting enough rest is obviously paramount but the lower stress and the fresher air have contributed to my gains and milestones over the past 5 months.
Here are some highlights:
- The first time ever doing rx'ed push ups in a WOD (finally!)
- Stringing 10 TTBs in a WOD
- 250# DL during CFT (13# PR and 2X BW)
- Angie rx'ed
- 1:56 500m row
- Sub-10 Annie
- Sub-12:30 Helen
- 5 strict HSPUs to one ab mat
- 7 kipping HSPUs to one ab mat
- Hit quite a few new 3RMs and 5RMs on various movements

So what's next?
Wish list / goals:
- Butterfly pullups in a WOD
- Full ROM HSPUs in a WOD
- Sub-8 Fran
- Sub-6 Grace
- 125# Jerk 1RM
- 75# Press 1RM
- 500# CFT
- Muscle up

Thanks to Tara for inspiring me to write that list. I know those are not SMARTE goals... which is why I've termed these "wish list". I will work towards these but in an unstructured manner.

Friday, October 12, 2012

4 this week

Strength: BS 3-3-3-3-3-3 (95-115-125-135-145-155)
Metcon: 21-15-9 of DL (165#, rx) / pull up / slam ball (20#, rx)

I hit a BS 3RM PR at 155# at the beginning of December during the Wendler but regressed a little two weeks later due to lack of squatting. Today, I planned to finish at 155# and made it. Used too much quads on my last rep but felt ok overall.
If I remember correctly, my DLs went 9-6-4-1-1/7-3-3-1-1/5-4. In retrospect, I probably could have gotten rid of those singles at the end but I could feel my back arching a bit and my hands hurt from gripping. May have felt better than the last WOD with 165# DL but I can't be sure.
Pull ups went 7-5-4-3-2/5-4-3-3/3-2-1-1-1-1. Didn't resort to singles until later which is an improvement for me. Still got those blood blisters.
Broke up slam balls once in first two rounds, unbroken in last round.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tied PR day...

Strength: Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1 (95-105-115-125-130fx4)
Metcon: 5 rounds of 6 FS (75#, bm) / 6 PP (75#, bm) / 6 barbell burpees

Skipped 3x400m due to sore calves and hamstrings

I tied my Squat Clean PR of 125#. It went up ok but I noticed I caught the bar quite low. Four attempts at 130#, each incrementally closer. I think it's high enough but I am not getting under the bar fast enough and the final two attempts, I caught the bar way too low with elbows not all the way up. I think I need to work on the pull.
Metcon was fun! FS were UB but got slower as the rounds wore on. First 3 rounds of PP were UB, last two rounds of PP were 3-3 (with one fail in there). I tried to get through those barbell burpees quickly. That is, the hop was over the bar and dropped right into the next one. Couldn't keep up that pace in the last two rounds and my quads were burning.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

PR day! Woohoo!

PR: 1:56 500m row
PR: 9:59 Annie

A. 3 rounds of 500m row (2-3 min rest): 1:56(PR)/2:05/2:09
B. Annie rx'd: 9:59(PR)

Looking at the board after walking into class, I saw plenty of sub 2s and needed to step up. First row was at a 1:53 pace for a good 200m before I relaxed and settled into a 1:58 pace. Butt was really sore about 200m into the second round. Third round I really tried to not fall below 2:10.
The 50/30/20/10 sets of DUs were unbroken. Tripped up in the 40 round. Sit ups went better than expected which is probably where the PR came from.

Monday, October 8, 2012

ME Monday: HSPUs

"Skill": 3 x ME HSPU (2 strict, 2 strict, 3 kipping all to one ab mat)
Metcon rx'd: 4 rounds of 42 DU / 21 KBS (1 pood) / 12 pistols / 400m run

Post: worked on kipping HSPUs... got to a set of 7 kipping HSPUs (PR) to one ab mat

Not quite warmed up for the ME HSPU sets so I ended up working on it a bit more after. PR is 5 strict to 1 ab mat so way off today.
Metcon was fine. Good push from Jamie (who I wasn't going to catch) and Noel (who I caught up to and tried to stay in front of). KBS unbroken. Pistols were toughest after a few rounds... tough to balance and had to redo a bunch of reps.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Push Press 3RM PR?

Strength: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3 (55-65-75-85-95-100)
Metcon: 12 min AMRAP
10 box jumps (20", rx)
10 jumping lunges (5 per side)
10 hand release push ups
8 rounds + 7 push ups

Post: 3 x 400m "sprint": 1:42 / 1:41 / 1:47

Never found my PP 3RM ever so I guess that's a PR. I didn't fail at 100# but could feel a slight arch. Can work up to 105# or 110# next time.
A little mad that I didn't make it 9 rounds even. Push ups were the limiting factor.
My PR 400m on a track is 1:32. I didn't think I'd hit a PR today and considering this was post WOD, I'm ok with it. The turnaround also eats up some time because I'm tempted to slow down before and after it too. Also, the "hill" on the way back was rough on that last round.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New week

Strength: FS 5-5-5-5-5-5 (65-75-85-95-105-115)

Metcon: 4 rounds of 50 DU / 10 hang clean (65#, rx) / 6 TGU (1 pood, rx)

Post: 1 ME set of kipping pull ups: 11
Post: 1 ME set of push ups : 11

Last recorded FS 5RM was from May 2011 at 105#. I knew I had more having nailed a FS 3RM at 125# in June 2012. I don't think I maxed out at 115# and only the last rep was slightly sticky/slow. Shoot for 120# next time.
I've never done a TGU with a 1 pood KB, let alone 12 of them per arm. These were the toughest and slowest on me. At one point, I thought my left shoulder was going to bend the wrong way but I held it together. Much easier on the right side than left side, no surprise. DUs and hang cleans were no problem other than my arms getting tired out from the TGUs. Definitely an arm burnout issue today... no chance to get too winded here.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Working out sore

Metcon: 3 rounds of
20 med ball cleans (14#, rx)
100m OH carry (25# plate, rx)
20 BS (75#, bm)

Despite persisting soreness in quads from Monday's thrusters and in back/glutes from Tuesday's DLs, I decided to go knowing three days off were to follow. The 75# BS felt particularly heavy today but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Saturday, JJ and I biked about 10 miles around downtown Vancouver with our friends. Really love the dedicated bike lanes there that are separated from traffic. Quads made it through but can't say they were the happiest.
Sunday update: quads still moderately sore. Might have to bite the bullet and take a few more rest days for them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heavy and long

Metcon: 5 rounds of
10 DL @ rx 165# (5-5/5-5/4-3-3/4-3-3/singles)
20 one-arm KBS @ rx 1 pood (unbroken until last round in 2 sets of 10)
400m run

Post: some foam rolling

For 60% of my 1RM, the 165# DLs felt rather heavy. Discussed with Dave and Tim about going BM (axel bar, same weight) because I was wondering how it would affect my grip for the KBS. My hand actually won't grip the bar the entire way around so I would be relying on a bit more friction on the hands so Tim said I can use that when it's lighter. DLs broken up as above. Smaller sets to avoid bad form by the third round.
Through 3 rounds, Chad, Derek, and Marja were all ahead of me but I went at my pace. Moved ahead of Derek and Marja sometime in the fourth round. I knew I couldn't chase down Chad but nice to know Derek was right behind so I pushed to stay in front.
Writing this on the next day and my back's pretty sore, which was as expected. Quads still hurting from the thrusters two days ago.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Been a few weeks since a heavy squat

Cycle 4 Week 2: BS 1RM + 5% from Cycle 3
5 reps @ 40% (70#)
5 reps @ 50% (85#)
3 reps @ 60% (105#)
3 reps @ 70% (120#)
3 reps @ 80% (140#)
3+ reps @ 90% (155#): 2 reps

Metcon: 4 rounds of
40 DUs
15 hand release push ups
8 thrusters (65#, rx)

Haven't heavy squatted the entire cycle 4 so I opted to do week 2 instead of week 3 rep scheme. Still felt heavy as evidenced by 2 reps at 155# (I did 3 reps at 155# at the end of last cycle) so clearly, I've regressed (no surprise).
On the upside, I suppose I have been working a lot more on upper body and the hand release push ups were pretty good rx form (no worming/peeling off floor as far as I can remember anyway). Shoulders felt pretty fatigued throughout so these were in 2s and singles towards the end to avoid failing. Made it through first two rounds of thrusters unbroken and in sets of 4 on the last two rounds. Makes me want to do Fran to see where I'm at!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


PR: Strict Press 5RM: 65#
PR: 5 strict HSPUs to one ab mat

Cycle 4 Week 2: Press 1RM + 5% from Cycle 3
5 reps @ 40% (30#)
5 reps @ 50% (37.5#)
3 reps @ 60% (45#)
3 reps @ 70% (52.5#)
3 reps @ 80% (60#)
3+ reps @ 90% (65#): 5 reps

Metcon: 10 min AMRAP of
5 HSPU (1st round to one ab mat, the rest piked on 20" box)
10 hand release push ups
15 v-ups
3 rounds + 9 push ups

Post: Worked on kipping HSPUs. Can do it with two ab mats but not to one. Shoulders were done.
Post-post: butterfly kip work. Didn't have it today. Must be real tired.

I debated going today but against my better judgment, went for it as my upper body wasn't feeling too taxed. Abs, glutes, hips did not want to work out today so I guess I was lucky it was mostly an upper body work out.
Had I not gone today, I would have missed out on two PRs so that was a nice surprise! The 5RM press at 65# had been on my "to-do" list for a while so I finally got it!
Not even making it to fourth round in the metcon was a bit unexpected and really showed my fatigue this week after over a week off. The first 5 HSPUs pretty much took it all out of me even though they felt easy at the time. After one more on the second round, I had to switch to a pike as I was just going to fail. Push ups were painfully slow and failed multiple times in the later rounds when I rushed. V-ups were also painful as my rib muscles are not happy from those hollow rocks yesterday.
Really shouldn't go tomorrow but I want to DL. Will see how I feel in the morning.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lots of posts...

Metcon: 4 rounds of 42 DU / 21 KBS (16kg, rx) / 12 Burpees

Post-WOD: 2 rounds of 1 min plank and 30 hollow rocks
Post-post: some butterfly kip work
Post-post-post: Meat WOD

In hindsight, I probably could have left the KBS unbroken but I had it in my head to break them up after coach Trey warned that he might switch out the KB for a heavier one to the whole class. Burpees were slow as I caught my breath before the DUs. First and fourth rounds on the DUs were unbroken.
Didn't want to be trashed for the rest of the week so I scaled the post-WOD to 2 rounds.
Butterflies are feeling good with a good kip instead of the weird muscling kip I was doing before. Tim had good pointers from before so I keep trying to practice them but hands not quite recovered from Angie (still).
Pretty sore in the glutes from the high rep/light weight DLs yesterday. Not confident I will make tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

After a little over a week off...

Metcon: 4 rounds of 9 PP / 12 PC / 15 DL / 200m run at 65# (rx)

Post: some butterfly kip work

Wasn't sure how I would feel after a little over a week off so I kept it light for me. PPs were unbroken but when I think about it, it all could have been unbroken. However, I was a little winded throughout so I paced the PCs and DLs. I also paced this WOD because I am aiming to make it to the box 4 times this week.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Angie rx'ed

Angie: 100 pull ups / 100 push ups / 100 sit ups / 100 squats

My first time ever doing Angie and rx'ed at that. I dislike long metcons and 100 of anything in a WOD usually makes me cranky. But, it's a benchmark WOD so there I go.
Pullups took over 13 minutes. First set of 10 felt good but started singles around 60 reps in maybe. Push ups took almost as long... had about 20 to go when I hit the 23 minute mark. Singles starting at 40 maybe but quick breaks. I tried to keep a good rhythm on sit ups but after cranking through 40 of them, I had to break. Sets of 5 towards the end. Squats are a strength of mine so I powered through them in under 2:30, with the first 50 unbroken.
I had plenty of strength in my lats during the pull ups but my hands hurt. I have blisters all over my hands and finger tips. I know I'm not gripping the bar tight enough but I can't seem to actually do it. Frustrating.
On the plus side, all 100 push ups were legit.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Rx

Cycle 3 Week 3: Press 1RM + 5% from Cycle 2
5 reps @ 40% (27.5#)
5 reps @ 50% (35#)
3 reps @ 60% (42.5#)
5 reps @ 75% (52.5#)
3 reps @ 85% (60#)
1+ reps @ 95% (67.5#): 3 reps

Metcon: 5 rounds of 30 DU / 8 HSPU (pike on 20" box) / 8 hang clean (75#, adv)

Post: ME strict ring dip sets: 3-2-2-2-2-0

HSPUs felt pretty terrible as it's my first time switching to pike from knees. Happy to make that switch and it hurt but it's time. Decided to go heavier on the hang cleans because I can.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Cycle 3 Week 3: Back Squat 1RM + 5% from Cycle 2
5 reps @ 40% (65#)
5 reps @ 50% (85#)
3 reps @ 60% (100#)
5 reps @ 75% (125#)
3 reps @ 85% (140#)
1+ reps @ 95% (155#): 3 reps

Metcon: 8 min AMRAP of 11 WB (14#, rx) and 11 push ups (rx)
4 rounds + 8 WB

Post: 4-4-5-5 KBS with 1.5 pood
Post-post: Some butterfly kipping work. Think smooth sound wave. Tighter through hips for better power transfer.

Looks like I hit a HBBS 3RM today! Woo!
Bad eating over the weekend made the WB feel not so good. I fought for those push ups today. Stayed tight throughout, no worming.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


8 bear complexes (75#, rx) - thrusters from squat clean and BS were allowed
16 TTB
400m run
6 BC
12 TTB
400m run
4 BC
400m run

Post: one-handed handstand work
Post-post: 3x5 ring rows and some shoulder rotation work with a 2.5# plate

75# on the BC did not feel very heavy today. Must have been all those croissants I've been eating. I felt more winded than anything. Must have been all those croissants too. Been doing a good job of kipping TTBs lately but not in the first round today. That cost me a bit.
Shoulders a bit tight from all the work this week, hence some of the rotations.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

12min AMRAP

Cycle 3 Week 2: Press 1RM + 5% from Cycle 2
5 reps @ 40% (27.5#)
5 reps @ 50% (35#)
3 reps @ 60% (42.5#)
3 reps @ 70% (50#)
3 reps @ 80% (57.5#)
3+ reps @ 90% (62.5#): 5 reps

Metcon: 12 min AMRAP of 6 PP (75#, rx) / 8 burpee box jumps (20")
7 rounds + 5 PP

Post: Working on one handed hand stand
Post-post: 2x10 GHD sit ups, 2x10 back ext
Post-post-post: lots of foam rolling. Hips and quads were pretty sore.

Tried to eek out a sixth rep but it wasn't happening. Metcon went well... only one questionable push press that may have been a push jerk but I made sure all the others were push presses. Tried just holding onto the bar instead of bringing back down on shoulders. Worked out ok but slight bruisy feeling on the sternum. Just couldn't eek out that sixth rep on the PP.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another 12:30ish

Metcon: 5 rounds of 40 DU / 6 Power Snatch (65#, rx) / 12 slam balls (20#, rx)

Post: 20 x 1 20# WB
Post-post: ME sets to failure: HSPU to 1 ab mat (2-2-1-1) and rx ring dip (3-2-1)

The 65# power snatches are feeling better. Slam balls unbroken. Got some nasty misses on the DUs. Pushed for less rest in between.
Pretty happy with my ME efforts today. Thinking about doing more max effort sets for upper body as post.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Helen rx'ed

Cycle 3 Week 2: Back Squat 1RM + 5% from Cycle 2
5 reps @ 40% (65#)
5 reps @ 50% (85#)
3 reps @ 60% (100#)
3 reps @ 70% (115#)
3 reps @ 80% (135#)
3+ reps @ 90% (150#): 3 reps

Helen (rx'ed):
3 rounds of 400m run / 21 KBS (UB) / 12 pull ups (12/5-4-3/3-2-2-2-2-1)

Felt kind of weak on the back squats today. Hip flexors are sore from partially running down the Rattlesnake trail hike (about 4.4 miles one way) on Saturday.
I was pretty excited to see Helen on deck today. Finally, I could get an rx'ed time in the books! I really pushed for me and I did not break up the KBS. I was happy with my time as I knew I was a slow runner in general.
I checked out the Helen times from CFC's Rx test day and it affirmed my suspicions... I am STILL a slow runner. Improved KBS and pull ups but it's the run that is probably lagging behind.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Nice end to rest week

Strength: DL (Cycle 3, Week 1)
5 reps @ 40% (100#)
5 reps @ 50% (125#)
3 reps @ 60% (150#)
5 reps @ 65% (165#)
5 reps @ 75% (190#)
5+ rep @ 85% (215#): 5 reps

Metcon: 3 rounds of 12 pullups / 6 burpees / 400m run

Post: Tried to work on butterfly/deadhang but hands were raw from the pullups.
Post-post: Working on my one-arm handstand. I have the strength on the right side but not quite there with balance. Left arm a little ways off.
Post-post-post: HSPUs to 1 ab mat, two in a row.
Post-post-post-post: 10x1 20# WB to 10'

I've been taking it easy this week so it was only my second time. I had energy today but I guess only 5 reps at 215#. Last cycle, I had 6 reps at that weight.
This might be my fastest metcon to date. I did the first 12 pullups in a row. Second set was 6-6. Third set was in 2s/3s with a set of 4 at the beginning. Burpees were as quick as I could get them. Run was faster than usual but needs work to get faster. Overall, quite pleased with today.
Lots of posts. Turns out resting all week gives you a lot of energy...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rough day for the abs!

Metcon: 5 rounds of 8 PP(75#, rx) / 10 TTB / 12 push ups / 400m run

Post: 4 rounds of 30 hollow rocks / one min plank (not for time)

I did the entire metcon rx'ed today... first time I've ever rx'ed a push up WOD! Feeling pretty good about being able to do 60 rx'ed push ups, chest to deck and I tried hard not to have any worming. Singles and doubles towards the end.
The post WOD was the worst. I have a very weak core so I suppose it was good that I work on these but hollow rocks were in sets of 5 and plank holds were in sets of 15s holds. Not good.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Strict Ring Dip!

Strength: DL (Cycle 2, Week 3)
5 reps @ 40% (95#)
5 reps @ 50% (120#)
3 reps @ 60% (145#)
5 reps @ 75% (180#)
3 reps @ 85% (200#)
1 rep @ 95% (225#) every 45s x 10

Tim threw in a twist this week at the end. I actually found the DL format on the last set a little easier than chaining them since I got to drop at the top and reset each time. Nice to know that I can pull 225# 10 times though. 45s was plenty of rest.
I tweaked a tendon behind the left knee yesterday during the cleans so I decided to sit out today's metcon... probably a good idea considering it consisted of OHS, push ups, some box jumps.

"Post": Max effort strict ring dips: 2, then 1. Then, worked on some muscle up transitions with the thicker red band.
Really proud of those ring dips! The two felt good and after a few minutes, I had one more!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Third in a row

Wendler Cycle 2 Week 3
Press 1RM + 5%
5 reps @ 40% (27.5#)
5 reps @ 50% (32.5#)
3 reps @ 60% (40#)
5 reps @ 75% (50#)
3 reps @ 85% (57.5#)
1+ reps @ 95% (62.5#): 5 reps

Metcon: 12 min AMRAP
4 hang squat cleans (95#, adv; rx was 85#, BM was 115#)
8 HSPUs (20" box with ab mat for knees)
12 v-ups
5 rounds + 7 HSPUs

Super tough fifth rep on the press with a lot of hanging out near the bottom.
95# hang squat cleans were okay. I ended up doing all singles because I couldn't chain them. I feel like at this weight, it's a CFC rx weight!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


200 double unders
50-40-30-20-10 of slam balls (20#, rx) / KBS (1 pood, rx)
200 double unders

Post: 3-3-4-3 butterfly pullups

It was more of a cardio for me. Cleared 137 DUs at 2 min mark. I want to say I finished out the 200 before 3 min was up but I can't recall. Slam balls went better than expected, pretty much clean and pressed them out. I even caught it off the bounce at the bottom. Turned into sets of 10. KBS same deal. Tried to keep the breaks short by walking to the wall and back. I think that worked out.
I almost tweaked my right bicep doing these but I managed to stretch it out a bit before it got too bad. I need to learn to breathe through these.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New stuff to work on

Cycle 2 Week 3: Back Squat 1RM + 5%
5 reps @ 40% (65#)
5 reps @ 50% (80#)
3 reps @ 60% (95#)
5 reps @ 75% (120#)
3 reps @ 85% (135#)
1+ reps @ 95% (150#): 3 reps

Metcon: 10 min AMRAP of 6 pistols (3 per leg) / 12 sit ups
8 rounds + 3 pistols

Post: 3 x 6 push ups
Post-post: Attempted throwing a 20# WB to the 10ft mark and attempted a one-arm hand stand. New goals!

Squats were only okay today. I tried really hard to get a fourth rep but after hanging out at the bottom for way too long, I just couldn't stand up with the weight.
AMRAP was fun. I did pistols in a WOD for the first time. I tried my best to make them all legit but I'm sure I didn't quite get depth on a few. I also re-did quite a few because I fell over. Did these in weightlifting shoes for added stability.
I'm pretty close to the 10ft mark for that 20# WB but it's not quite there. Work on explosiveness.
I can finally lift one hand off the ground, both sides. Need to figure out balance to get that hand stand on one arm.

Friday, August 10, 2012

New movement! Single Arm KB C&J!

Strength: DL (Cycle 2, Week 2)
5 reps @ 40% (95#)
5 reps @ 50% (120#)
3 reps @ 60% (145#)
3 reps @ 70% (165#)
3 reps @ 80% (190#)
3+ reps @ 90% (215#): 6 reps

Metcon: 3 rounds of
15 KB SDHP (1 pood, rx)
10 TTB (10/5-5/4-3-2-1)
12 single arm KB C&J - 6 each arm(1 pood, rx)

Post: 2x10 GHD sit ups, 2x10 back ext
Post-post: 3 x ME push ups: 11-7-6 (approx 60s rest in between)

DLs felt pretty good again. I probably had one more but lost my grip. Happens every week.
For metcon, I taped my middle three fingers with the rings of tape and it helped a lot, especially with the TTB. To my surprise, I strung my first 10 TTB super efficiently! Rhythm got thrown off a bit in the last round so broke it up all weird. I was afraid of the single arm KB C&J with one pood, especially for my left side but it turned out to be better than expected.
I feel like all my accessory GHD sit up work has been paying off. I also need to start addressing my push up weakness so I'm going to be doing more ME push up work post-WOD.